Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Operation Rebuild Hope?
A: ORH is a veteran nonprofit organization that is creating solutions to get our homeless veterans off the street and back into a home. Operation Rebuild Hope serves veterans by providing fast-tracked solutions and support services to those in need. We are currently located in Coos County, Oregon. To learn more please browse our website
Q: Is ORH an official 501c-3 nonprofit organization.
A: Yes! We’ve been a 501c-3 since 2017. To learn more in depth information of our non profit status and our seal of transparency, please visit our page on GuideStar.
Q: What kind of support is offered?
A: Homeless prevention, emergency food, emergency housing, installing wheelchair ramps, closing costs, hot water heaters, bill recovery, roof maintenance (if at risk of homelessness)
Starting July 2021 we will be offering rental assistance if you are on the verge of becoming homeless.
Q: What type of donations are you accepting?
A: We are always accepting cash, check, and online donations through Donor Box and paypal (@operationrebuildhope). In lieu of cash we also accept in-kind donations which may include but are not limited to; new/unused queen/full bedding and linens (sheets, blankets, comforters, pillows, towels, wash clothes, etc), items for our Angel Bags (snacks food, travel size toiletries, socks, ziplock bags, hand warmers, ponchos, etc.), basic toiletry items (deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, razors, comb, lotion, hand sanitizer, etc.), bottled water, non perishable food, SOCKS!!!!, undershirts, gas cards, gift cards, etc.
During the winter we stuff backpacks and delivery to children who are homeless. New/unused items needed are backpacks, stuffed animals, toys, blankets, hats, gloves, scarves, coloring books, crayons/colored pencils/markers, books. All of these items should be child appropriate.
Q: What does ORH need?
A: Honestly, we NEED your time! Our volunteers are so appreciated and we are in constant need of them. We would have never been able to accomplish what we have done so far without the help of our volunteers. Donations are always welcomed as well (see above for types of donations needed). We need the word to spread about our organization. Word of mouth is the BEST type of advertising for our nonprofit. If you use social media you can follow us on FB- or on IG-
Q: How do I become an Operation Rebuild Hope volunteer?
A: To start the volunteering process, you will need to fill out our volunteer application that can be found on our website. Once that is completed you will be added to our volunteer list. When we have a need for volunteers we will contact you.
Q: Is Operation Rebuild Hope hiring?
A: Yes! We are currently (April 2021) looking for case managers, activities coordinators, peer support, admin, and grant writers. You can find applications on our Facebook page, Operation Rebuild Hope or at If you have any questions please reach out to our HR department,
Q: I am a disbaled veteran currently living couch to couch, can ORH help me?
A: We will do everything we can. We first need you to fill out our housing application, which can be found on our website. Timberwolves Den is our emergency housing for veterans, it is for 30-90 days. You can find the application located under our solutions tab above. Bryan’s Home is for temporary housing. You can find the application located under our solutions tab above.
Q: How do I become an ORH Alumni?
A: You first have to fill out a volunteer applications before you can start volunteering with ORH. To become an Alumni you must put in the time. You have to have logged 122 hours to be considered an ORH Alumni. Once you are at Alumni status you will receive an Alumni t-shirt and you are invited to any Alumni events we may host.